Saturday, January 7, 2012

Why the double standard for blacks and whites?

The recent Don Imus uproar is indicative of a HUGE double standard. Blacks are making a major issue of statements made by a white man that PALE in comparison to what fills a typical rap song. Either the terms are offensive, or they aren't. Claiming who says them makes them different is nothing but hypocracy. Same goes for all black clubs, scholarships, etc. They are completely okay, but heaven forbid there be similar all white organizations. Once again, exclusive groups are okay, or they aren't. Personally, I think bigotry is in judging everyone in a group based on stereotypes or bad experience with a few individuals, not in the words one uses, and if you have a private organization, you ought to be able to be as selective as you want to be, because it's PRIVATE. Now lest you think I'm a racist, I think the ideals of groups like the KKK are indicative of inbred stupidity, but double standards aren't much better!

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