Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Christians: Should you be getting involved in worldly politics in light of what the Bible says...?

The ruler of this system of things is Satan who continues to mislead the entire world into thinking he doesn't exist or that God doesn't care about the things going on in the world. A lie, God is allowing man to rule themselves as Satan is the puppet master he uses politicians as pawns to accomplish his purpose to distract mankind into believing they can accomplish peace and security and many religious organizations share in the blood guilt of war supports as they have empowered their flocks to follow the United Nations who profess to be mankind's solution for peace and security on the earth. To show their support church bells rang in Nov 1920 as announced from Switzerland at the first opening embly of the League of Nations. A petition by 14,250 clergymen signed and endorsed by the Pope pleaded for Adoption of Wilson's' League of Nations to ratify the US Senate to empower the treaty and form a covenant with Christendoms clergy to campaign for the League (now UN).

Do you fundamentally agree that all illegal aliens must be deported back to their home of origin...?

....and that those who are trying to immigrate to the United States LEGALLY should be welcomed here FIRST AND FOREMOST?

I hate that my girlfriend gets drunk.?

It gets to me alot, she's seriously gorgeous and gets hit on alot. This I can deal with but when she gets drunk she pretty much gets abused [bum pinched, grabbed, **** groped] I know guys are ***** and their behaviour is awful. But I'm the one who steps in [and being the smurf that I am] and gets my face smashed in. I guess it comes with the trade but does she need to get so drunk?

Names...pick your fav!?

I like Gracie the best and Emery the Least for girls names and Zachary i like the best and Jeremiah the least

What is wrong with my mother-in-law?

I think my MIL has bipolar or either she is borderline personality. It is getting to the point where no one wants to be around her. She is running her friends and family away. She lies alot and blames other people for stuff. Like she'll say something and say someone else said it. She is so negative too and is uninterested in things.. and sometimes everything has to be all about her. Like when I lost some weight after my baby, she didn't say good job, she just starts in about her weight. She sounds depressed and talks about how lonely she is. She has been talking about my mom and I think she is jealous. We just had a baby 8 months ago and she is acting over obsessive and controlling-like she is the mother. So we confronted her about talking about my mom behind her back(someone told us) and she first denied it & then started getting defensive and started cursing. We have caught her in so many lies lately. There's no telling how long she has been lying. Anyway, she shows alot of the clic signs like talking alot, talking fast and she switches from one subject to the next, she also cuts people off when they are talking. And she is very forgetful sometimes and has trouble thinking -like when you are in a conversation she will forget what she is saying mid-sentence - i guess because she is thinking about what she wants to say next. She also doesn't sleep much. She can go to bed at 12 or 1 am and get up after about 4-5 hrs and feel rested. My husband & I don't care to be around her because she is selfish, miserable, lies, and she talks about people BAD!! Just her mood is enough to bring you down. She's always down in the dumps. What do u think??

How much should I sell these cakes for?

that is such an awesome pan!!!! but man i dunno... homemade? why not use the box since it would be cheaper, lets say you use the box and you need at least two boxes and icing thats already around 3.50. you could sell them for 5-7 dollars maybe??? not sure.. and maybe itd be cheaper doing homemade but i dont know the price difference there. good luck!

Why didn't she tell me she had a boyfriend? We went on dates? WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

I personally don't think she has a boyfriend. I just think she doesn't want to date you anymore and so she's making up a lie. This way you'll move on.